Info-Atari16 Digest Wed, 22 May 91 Volume 91 : Issue 289 Today's Topics: Arcgsh C++ on the ST Calamus Printer I/O redirection GemView (new version and some questions) Icons/Iconeditor for MEGA STE Deskicon.rsc File Legal action against STrabble game. Problems using GDOS and harddisk driver Publishers (II) SEDT readme spectre for US Atari's, does it work on European Atari's? STE Problems To post or not to post.... Using Mac fonts virtual memory support on the TT vro_cpyfmt() blues vro_cpyfmt() blues - problems solved Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 22 May 91 10:08:12 GMT From: noao!ncar!!lll-winken!sun-barr!olivea!mintaka!bloom-beacon!er u!hagbard!sunic!mcsun!corton!laas! (Ralph P. Sobek) Subject: Arcgsh To: In article <> (Thomas Quester) writes: | | We don't have SO many different incompatible LHarc-Versions, there only is | one: the LHarc 0.6ss by John Webb. All other versions are compatible to | the orignal (some including more features than the orginal). So, where is this one available? Last night I came across a file I downloaded from atari.archive and all my versions of ST lharc would bomb on it. A common problem that I find is if an *.lzh archive contains a small uncompressed file (as does orbit.lzh) the Atari ST versions that I have blow up when testing/extracting the archive. As best as I remember I have lharc version 1.02 (from Unix), a few based on lharc 1.13c and one based on lharc 1.13b. P.S. Our Unix versions accept the above mentioned file. -- Ralph P. Sobek Disclaimer: The above ruminations are my own. Addresses are ordered by importance. ralph@laas.uucp, or ...!uunet!laas!ralph If all else fails, try: sobek@eclair.Berkeley.EDU =============================================================================== Proud owner of a Mega 4 ST. Wishing it was a Mega STe! :-| ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 91 12:51:12 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!usc!rpi!crdgw1!ge-dab!dover!johnson@arizona .edu (Christopher Johnson) Subject: C++ on the ST To: Greetings... I'm trying to find a C++ compiler for the Atari ST. I have a 1040 with 4 meg of memory and two DS floppies. I do not have a hard drive at this time, but I plan on getting one at some point. Does anyone know of a decent commercial C++ compiler for the ST? If not, does anyone know how to get G++ for the ST without having to recompile the whole mess? I don't want to attempt to recompile G++ without a hard drive, but I'm hoping that I can use it with the dual DS floppies and 4 meg. I would need the executables, libraries, and docs (including those for the debugger and whatever support stuff is necessary). Is this stuff available anywhere? I do not really have FTP access, just e-mail. Thanks for any and all help. Chris Johnson GE Simulation and Control Systems Department ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 91 02:06:19 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!!goanna !! (James Alan Hall) Subject: Calamus Printer I/O redirection To: Are there any utilities (preferrably public domain or shareware) to intercept Calamus' printer output and direct it into a file instead ? Calamus supports the HP Laser, but I have to go elsewhere to use this printer. I need to be able to save the output Calamus sends to the port and later on send it straight through to the HP Laser on another computer. James. -- ______ ______ | | \ / \/\/\/\ James Hall / Mithrandir Man | | \ / \/\/\/\ Know |______| \/ \/\/\/\ Thyself ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 91 12:28:07 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!caen!!!unidui!un ido!laura!exunido! (Ralf Haacke) Subject: GemView (new version and some questions) To: Dieter have no permission to post articles to the News, so here is his message: ================================================================================ Hi folks, sorry but the program/accessory posted in have a few bugs or "unknown features". I have write a newest version of GemView (1.0.4), but i must test something. In some day i would to send it to the atari.archive; actually we have a "ftp"-problem, so i can't do it. I think i will mail it to anyone who send it to the atari.archive. Since 1.0.3 (is in atari.archive): - Correction of some mispelling. - Better right-mouse-button support. - GemView now works with a 4 bit color palette (Degas, Tiny and Spectrum). - A color palette bug corrected (only seen on a TT; is there a bug on the TT by using the color index 0(black) and/or 1(white) with vs_color() ???). - The problem with uniterm is solved. Since 1.0.4: - If no window is available the accessory now exit with a warning. - Better message handling with GEMINI. - The main-(log)-window have a FULLER-button, which makes a very small and smart window. - And some __small__ changes and corrections. What to do in the future: - GemView could be faster (and smaller). - A Big-GemView, which saves pictures in other formats (???) - Transfer GEM-Metafiles into pixel-maps (and reverse ???) - Saving installs. - Continue work, if GemView runs as ACC and changing the main-application. Therefor some questions: Should GemView automaticly opens its own windows, if it found out that the runing main program is a gem-program (appl_init)? Or should GemView wait for a handling with windows (wind_create/open)? Should it ask the user for CANCEL the action, WAIT for new activition or changing program or CONTINUE it's work and open the windows? (!!! THIS WILL NOT IMPLEMENT IN THE NEXT SOME WEEK/MONTH !!!) - A new color reduce algorithm. I have the followed idea: A color is a point in a 3-dim-room (N~3). First calculate the distance from each point to each other and save the nearest point with the distance. Next searching the nearest neighbours and make this two point to one. The new points is nearer to a point which represent more points then the other. From the new point calculate the distance to all other points and save the nearest (some other points must update, if the new point is nearer as the nearest neighbour before). Then begin to search the nearest ...., until we have reduce enough. THAT IS AN ALGORITHM WHICH RUNS VERY SLOW: DOES ANYONE HAVE A BETTER IDEA? Please let me now what do you think about the program, what you think is to do in the feature (specialy how should GemView continue it's work) and where are bugs. !! I'm also interest in positiv reactions !! Ciao (bye) Dieter P.S.: Actually i have not the time to make a lot for GemView. P.P.S.: I hope anyone have understand my bad english. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Dieter Fiebelkorn | With a rubber duck :-) | | | one's never alone. :~{ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 May 91 13:00:17 CET From: "G. Wartusch" Subject: Icons/Iconeditor for MEGA STE Deskicon.rsc File To: Hello Netters, I got a brandnew MEGA STE, and now I'd like to edit the Deskicon.rsc-File I've got the Neodesk and Gemini-Icons from Terminator but can't use them, because there's no way for me to put them all together in one Resource- File, which will be used by TOS 2.0x of the Mega STE's/TT's. Does anybody know what program can help me and where i can get it? Greetings Guenter ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 91 10:02:01 GMT From: noao!ncar!gatech!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!mcsun!ukc!keele!nott-cs! uk! (Mohammad A. Rahin) Subject: Legal action against STrabble game. To: Read in the june '91 issue of Atari St User (UK) : The original copyright holder of the Scrabble board game (Spears & co. ?) are taking legal action against a small PD software distribution library in Engalnd for distributing Scrabble clone STrabble (by Warwick Allison). Your views ? - Rahin ------------------------------ Date: 21 May 91 13:41:36 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!!snorke!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!mcsun!ukc!axion!tharr!steveh@ari (Steve Hamley) Subject: Problems using GDOS and harddisk driver To: In article <> writes: >I've got problems using GDOS (AMCGDOS) with the harddisk driver of my vortex >HDplus 20 (hardware: Mega ST 2 with TOS 1.4). > >GDOS works if I don't use the harddisk, so I guess the problem is the disk >driver. One common problem I've found is that GDOS (both AMC and Atari flavours) require the fonts and graphic device drivers to be on the same drive as GDOS. I use a small boot partition to hide away all the stuff I don't normally want to look at, but was defeated when I wanted to then temporarily use some fonts on another drive which wouldn't fit on the boot drive... ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 91 13:09:37 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!!!!uc!shama sh!timbuk! (Marc Bouron) Subject: Publishers (II) To: In article <>, (Jim Omura) writes: |> [ stuff deleted.. ] |> Can someone in Great Britain please clarify what's going on |> across the great puddle? I guess the first question I have is |> what is exactly the situation with "ST World"? Are they really |> trying for a come-back? I thought the whole thing was sold to |> "ST User"? If so, will they be accepting submissions for publication? |> Is there a mailing address? Database PUblications is now Europress (or something like that). ST WORLD was `bundled' with ST USER last month. I presume this is going to continue... I'd never ead ST WORLD before, and thought it was a bit thin. But then again, take all the games out of USER and it would probably be just as thin... :-) |> [ more stuff deleted.. ] |> What's "ST User" been like lately? I haven't even seen it |> around for about a half a year now, so I'm wary about sending anything |> to them. Ever since they changed the staff at ST USER, I've cringed at the atrocious teenage slang they use in place of English, right? ( :-) ) Still, I continue to subscribe. Probably for the Ads, if nothing else. However, with the new ownership, I think the staff list has changed again. Perhaps better English from now on?? |> Jim Omura, 2A King George's Drive, Toronto, (416) 652-3880 |> lsuc!jimomura |> Byte Information eXchange: jimomura [M][a][r][c] ################################################################################ # # # . . # # Marc CR Bouron # (ARPA) # _|\ /|_ # # Cray Research (UK) Ltd. # M.Bouron@crayuk.uucp (DOMAIN) # (_|_V_|_) # # +44 344 485971 x2208 # (JANET) # | | # # # ...!ukc!crayuk!M.Bouron (UUCP) # # ################################################################################ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 May 91 17:44 N From: Subject: SEDT readme To: I just received the new SEDT from Anker Berg Sonne, below is the readme file. There is whole new function key nd programming set-up. For those of you who are interested in this (DEC EDT like) editor I include the readme file below. Chris Evelo MFAGKCHR@HMARL5.bitnet ================================================================= Sedt Editor 3-Feb-1991 Version 4.2 Shareware Program Author: Anker Berg-Sonne Sedt is a text editor for the IBM PC and compatibles running DOS Microsoft Windows, OS/2, DEC Rainbow, ATARI ST, VAX/VMS, VAX/ULTRIX, RISC/ULTRIX, SCO System V, and SCO XENIX. Sources may be licensed for porting to other systems. Porting to other UNIX implementations is usually trivial. Sedt is a shareware program and may only be used by properly licensed users. See the file LICENSE.TXT for the license agreement. The license fee includes ONE of the following packages. Further updates and additional packages will only be made upon payment of the proper distribution fee. Distribution can be made in the following formats: A: 1.2 or 1.44 MB IBM formatted floppy disk with Sedt for MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows and on-line documentation. B: 1.2 or 1.44 MB IBM formatted floppy disk with Sedt for OS/2 protected mode and on-line documentation. C: 1.2 or 1.44 MB IBM formatted floppy disk with Sedt for VMS and on-line documentation. D: 1.2 or 1.44 MB IBM formatted floppy disk with Sedt for VAX ULTRIX and online documentation. E: 1.2 or 1.44 MB IBM formatted floppy disk with Sedt for MIPS ULTRIX and online documentation. F: One 3 1/2" diskette with Sedt for ATARI ST (TOS and GEM) and on-line documentation. G: 1.2 or 1.44 MB IBM formatted diskette with Sedt for SCO XENIX and on-line documentation. H: 1.2 or 1.44 MB IBM formatted diskette with Sedt for SCO System V and on-line documentation. The distribution charge is $15 U.S. plus $10 U.S. for each of package (A, B, C, D, E or F) ordered. One package will be $25, two $35, three $45, four $55, and five $65. Site licenses. For a given number of employees, using any systems at the site, does not cover non site relevant use of Sedt by employees. Site license includes free distribution of one kit. Site licenses only apply to one geographical site of a company or non-profit institution. Fee is dependent on number of employees using Sedt: Number of employees Fee 1-5 $25 per employee 6-10 $125 11-50 $200 50-200 $500 201-1000 $1000 Educational licenses. There is no license fee for instructional, class-room use. Site license fees apply to other uses by educational institutions. For orders placed outside the U.S. I appreciate payment in U.S. funds payable by a U.S. bank. Checks not payable to a U.S. bank involve hefty charges. I continuously fix problems that I am aware of and add new features. At any time an order comes in, I ship the current the version I am working on. If, for some reason, you find that the software I shipped you has a serious problem, I'll be more than happy to fix the problem, if I haven't done so already, and ship you a replacement. Also, if you intend to put Sedt on a bulletin board, please do so only after testing it thoroughly, or get in contact with me. Sedt is what it is because of a continuing, intense dialog with the user base. If you have any suggestions for improvement, I am anxious to hear about it. Please mail your thoughts to me at my home address. 8 Middlemost Way, Stow, MA 01775. I would appreciate your cooperation in limiting telephone queries to an absolute minimum. For installation instructions read INSTALL.HOW on the installation disk and for complete documentation read SEDTMAN.EDT. Please avoid contacting me at Digital Equipment Corporation unless the issue you want to discuss is related to business with Digital. You can reach me my electronic mail through Compuserve as "72337,3211". You can reach this account from Internet as "72337,". I hope you will enjoy the product. Anker Berg-Sonne ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 May 91 19:04 +0300 From: Subject: spectre for US Atari's, does it work on European Atari's? To: Could some kind US or European netter, please, answer the following trivial question : Do the Mac emulators Spectre 128 and Magic Sac Plus sold in the US function on the European Atari ST(1040)'s as well ? (I would like to buy such emulators from a fellow-netter from the US, and I would like to be sure in their compatibility with the European Atari's ROM's - unlike the case with, e.g., PC_Ditto emulator). Many thanks in advance. Emil Nissimov (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 91 15:53:07 GMT From: infonode!klt!kt8127!b23a! (Kermit Tensmeyer) Subject: STE Problems To: Last Night my newly purchased 1040STe finally showed up (after being backordered for eight weeks.) I carefully took it out of the package, disconnected my 1040ST, reconnected the STe and booted the system. the result was 2 (count'em two) system "bombs". I checked everything To make the story of a frustrating night shorter, if the hard drive was turned on, the system wouldn't boot. I used the backdoor method of spinning the disk up after system boot. (Sometimes the HardDrive [Supra 20M ] would spin up properly, sometimes not The Red Busy Light that would not Turn Off). After using the hard drive program and reinstalling the the disk icon, I could look at files however attempting to delete the auto folder on the C drive would lock up the system. I tried to build a new temporary boot disk, but I found that deleting files or copying file would not survive the next disk refresh. So the problem is that the STe won't write to disk's properly or boot properly. Is this a new incompatibility between the ST and STe? ;-) I thought that the hard drive might have gotten screwwed up, so I swapped the STe out and the ST in. [I wanted to play with the new software as well.} Every thing seemed to work just fine. Any commment: Should I send the stuff back to the dealer and wait another 8 weeks for another machine. Is it likly that the chips having been seated properly. ---------------------------------------- Sorry about the header: I'm still trying to figure this new newsreader options out, [The defaults to xrn are screwed up] ------------------------------ Date: 19 May 91 22:35:02 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!swrinde!! !mintaka!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!mcsun!ukc!axion!tharr! (Alex Kiernan) Subject: To post or not to post.... To: In article <> (Jeff Weiner) writes: > >Ok folks, here's the deal: Would anyone be interested in us >posting uploads for the past week to > I'd be very interested in this, I'm not on as often as I'd like and so its easy to miss things. Also could you post instructions on getting at things via mail on a regular basis, again I have all sorts of problems with this (usually hosts justs ignoring my pleas for help :-( Alex. -- <-- tharr *free* public access to Usenet in the UK 0234 841503 --> ------------------------------ Date: 21 May 91 21:00:40 GMT From: hpcc05!hpcuhb!hpindda! (Michael Goo) Subject: Using Mac fonts To: / (Todd Drga) / writes... >What do I have to do to use some of the Mac fonts that I have found archived >on various FTP servers? What program will convert the to GDOS (or other) >fonts that I can use? I am interested in using the fonts for DTP and screen >fonts. The program Fontz! by (the now defunct) Neocept can convert Mac fonts (amongst many other formats) to GDOS fonts. I haven't worked too much with this program, but the general idea is that you load the font into Fontz!, select the resolution you want for the GDOS font, and then use a pixel editor to touch up the rough spots caused by the resolution conversion. It's better than starting from scratch, but it ain't trivial either. One place I know you can get Fontz! is from B+C Computervisions in Santa Clara, California (408)749-1003. I am not associated with Neocept or B+C in any way etc. etc. blah blah blah. ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 91 12:28:02 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!!ira.!! (Uwe Seimet [Chemie]) Subject: virtual memory support on the TT To: Re: virtual memory management on the TT As you are probably aware the TT because of its 68030 is capable of virtual memory management. This applies not only for UNIX but is also possible with TOS. If you don't want your programs to interfere with software that allows virtual memory in case of a buserror you have to test if an error occured because of an invalid page or table descriptor or if it is a "real" error which means that you can supply your own buserr routine. (Of course, programs which don't manipulate the buserr vector don't have to worry about this.) All future buserror handlers are recommended to look like the following example: ----------------------------------------------------------- tst.b ttflg beq nott ;makes no sense on an ST ptestr #7,[16(sp)],#7 ;test descriptor pmove psr,status ;get mmu status btst #2,status beq nott ;descriptor is valid- jmp ([oldvec]) ;back to system exception handler nott: insert your own buserr handler here ----------------------------------------------------------- It is important that not only TT developpers use this kind of handler. Software that is intended primarily for use on the ST should use it to. Otherwise it won't be compatible to any future virtual memory support on new machines. Any more comments concerning programming on the TT? Go ahead! ----------------------------- | Uwe Seimet | | Buchenlochstrasse 29 | | D-6750 Kaiserslautern | | | ----------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 21 May 91 17:17:01 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!!mintak a!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!dkuug!imada! (Klaus Pedersen) Subject: vro_cpyfmt() blues To: (Claus Brod) writes: >Don't use Logbase() in a VDI context. Just use 0L as a pointer to >the current screen. VDI will automatically convert this to the >actual address needed and will even fill in the word width and plane >count parameters in the MFDB automatically! I might be wrong here, but it is my experince that you need to set the fd_stand to device dependent format. Anyway it have helped me in my programs. I will go home and try it out now... Klaus, >Claus Brod, Am Felsenkeller 2, Things. Take. Time. ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 91 10:24:43 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!!snorke!!fauern!!lsmichae@ar (Lars Michael) Subject: vro_cpyfmt() blues - problems solved To: I've eliminated all XBIOS calls in VDI context, got n_planes from vq_extend() and instead of the screen address I'm using NULL. Now it works yes fine. Thanx to all guys who gave me some advice. --- Lars +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | | | Lars Michael | | | | "Down with ATARI, | | Graduate Student of Computer Science | / | \ Long live the ST !" | | at University of Erlangen/Germany | / | \ | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------| | "May the Schwartz be with you!" | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************